Stainless steel

The protagonist of the H2OStyle swimming pools and mini-pools

Masterly craftsmanship is used in the manufacture of the H2OStyle swimming pools, in AISI 316L stainless steel, a sturdy and recyclable material known for its manifold properties. The talent to shape steel with painstaking mastery makes of this raw material the protagonist in environments with a suggestive charm, bearing the H2OStyle hallmark.

A sustainable choice

The choice of H2OStyle to entrust the quality of its swimming pools to stainless steel, finds an additional strong point in the sustainability of this material. Eco-friendly par excellence, this raw material is long-lasting and manages to preserve its value forever, encouraging even an infinite recycling process, in full favour of a circular economy. Furthermore, it also allows a reduction of about 70% in chemical products and energy consumption compared to other materials and does not cause polluting emissions or problems with disposal and regeneration. Advantages to which are added low maintenance costs and perfect conditions of hygiene, owing to its homogeneous surface that prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Lightness and versatility

Light and versatile, steel is in fact easily machined thus allowing different requirements of shape and size to be met, for a high-precision custom product. This quality is added to its sturdiness and corrosion resistance, all of which translate into extensive life cycles.

Unchanging quality

A steel swimming pool has excellent hydraulic sealing and has a non-deformable structure ensuring stability at any temperature.

Timeless charm

So many benefits make every H2OStyle unique: high quality standards and never changing beauty over time come to life every day in bright reflections and enfolding light effects.